Scribblenauts Texture Pack for Minecraft 1.2.5

Scribblenauts… does the name not give you an idea of what this texture pack is about? It basically makes your whole minecraft world looks like it was roughly doodled in pencil and then filled in with colour. Joeismoe is the creator of this pack and I have to say he has done a very, very good job with his Scribblenauts pack.

All of the main details are thickly outlined in black and background features like stone and grass very smoothly fade into the background making a very interesting and contrasted minecraft world. It’s done in way so it looks like the world is the paper and every other detail has been sketched in. Like in an abandoned mineshaft, the cave just blurs into the background but all the wood and rails stand out incredibly. The mobs look incredible too… The zombies are blue and the villagers look like very posh farmers.

Don’t at all worry about your houses looking stupid, roughly sketched. Your house and anything else you make will look amazing. Just the really sketchy look of the whole pack can make for some really interesting looks.

Over all I absolutely adore this pack, good job joeismoe! I just love the cartoony and sketchy feel of it all. It’s very interesting and very fun to play with. Even if your not going to use it practically, on a day to day basis it’s still good to load up every now and then just for a laugh.

How to Install Scribblenauts Texture Pack for Minecraft 1.2.5

  1. Install either MCPatcher or Optifine.
  2. Download Scirbblenauts.
  3. Place the .Zip inside your texture pack folder.
  4. Enjoy!



  1. need new download

  2. You suck



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