[1.12.1] Hopper Ducts Mod Download

Hopper Ducts Mod is a simple mod that adds more useful items to Minecraft such as ducts, which can attach to hoppers and send items in any direction or Grated Hoppers, which can filter items


What’s the difference between a hopper and a duct?

  • 1) Ducts can send items into inventories above them.
  • 2) Ducts won’t pull items from inventories above them.
  • 3) Ducts only have a single inventory slot.
  • 4) Ducts can be pointed in a different direction after placing them by hitting them with a stick.  Left-clicking with the stick cycles through all possible directions, right-clicking with it cycles in reverse.  You can also shift-left-click with the stick to reverse if you prefer.  When in creative mode, however, only right-clicking will be available, as left-click breaks blocks.
  • 5) Ducts auto-orient to adjacent ducts or hoppers. Hold the sneak key while placing to disable this behavior.
  • 6) Ducts have smaller hitboxes, making it easier to reach blocks behind them.

What’s a Grated Hopper do?

Grated Hoppers contain an extra row of items in their interface.  This is the filter inventory.  Only items matching this row are allowed into the hopper from a chest, hopper, or duct above it.  The Grated Hopper will also only eject these particular items into its destination.  Finally, it prevents a hopper beneath it from removing items matching the filter.

Items can still be inserted into the Grated Hopper from the sides and bottom which do not match the filter.  This means that you can insert anything into a Grated Hopper, have it eject its matching items into its destination inventory, and then have regular hopper or Grated Hopper beneath it, pulling out the items which don’t match the filter, to be directed elsewhere.



Hopper Ducts Mod Recipes:

Hopper recipe


Shapeless recipe


How to install:

  • Download and install Minecraft Forge.
  • Download the mod.
  • Go to %appdata%.
  • Go to .minecraft/mods folder.
  • If the “mods” folder does not exist you can create one.
  • Drag and drop the downloaded jar (zip) file into it.
  • Enjoy the mod.



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