[1.5.2] Key Sprint Mod Download

This mod gives you the ability to sprint with out having to double tap forwards. All you have to do is hold ‘v’ when walking. Its just the same as normal sprinting, so it runs out as normal,just a little easier to use.

Also if you press the ‘g’ key you can fly,when flying is allowed.Its just the same as normal flying, so it runs out as normal,just a little easier to use.

The fly button is toggle-able, just press to turn of then press again to turn off, but the sprint button needs to be held down to be used.

The mod works for both SSP and SMP.



If you want to change the key, all you have to do, is go to the controls menu,and it will be at the bottom.

You can turn off the update checker by opening up the config file called “KeySprint.cfg” in the conifg folder and change the “Update_Checker_Enabled” to false.

Requires: ModLoader


  • 1. Download and install modloader
  • If You want to disable the normal sprinting method use ‘a’ else use ‘b’.
  • 2a. Open the minecraft.jar
  • 3a. Place all the files from KeySprint.zip in the the jar file
  • 2b. Download KeySprint.zip file
  • 3b. Place KeySprint.zip in the mods folder in your minecraft dir

Download links for other versions:





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