This mod adds three blocks, all being similar to each other, store mass quantities of a certain item. Features: This mod adds many features that make them easier to work with. Putting in items is as simple as right clicking a barrel with an...[Read More]

When battling more than one enemy, slow motion kills will activate on the last mob killed(single player only). Tools will change texture(on default texture pack) when they get to certain durability levels. Installation: Download and install...[Read More]

This mod overrides the output of the enchanting table. instead of getting efficiency, power, fire aspect, etc. you get a new enchant called “slot”. This enchantment doesn’t have any powers, but if you use scrolls and the magic table you can...[Read More]

Adds a Quick Third Person (QTP) key. Press F5 to go into third person just like normal. Then press your QTP key to enable a special Third Person mode which allows you to orbit around your character. Holding the QTP key will lock the camera ...[Read More]

Adds a Zoom key. Adjust by holding the Zoom key and looking up or down. Setup your Zoom key in the keyboard settings. The reason why this isn’t an item is because, first, it’s Glitter, and you can use it on any server for sightseeing purpos...[Read More]

This mod was an idea inspired by a friend to add ice cream sandwich creepers to Minecraft! This mod features 5 flavors of ice cream creating 6 types of ice cream sandwiches and 6 types of creepers! (Vanilla, Strawberry, Chocolate, Mint Choc...[Read More]

It’s a mod which adds more and more food, its french name is “Plus d’aliments”. It also allows you to farm red pepper and vine. When you start Minecraft with this mod, a config file will spawn in .minecraft/config. You will be able to custo...[Read More]

Custom Stuff 2 allows you to add content to minecraft with simple text files. You can also send you created content in a zip to your friends and they have only put this zip into the custom stuff 2 mods directory. You can create chests, furn...[Read More]

Mineshot is basically a revamped version of Notch’s huge screenshot function that was available in the beta from 1.2 to 1.4. It has been removed in later versions, and this mod brings it back. It allows you to create extremely detailed scre...[Read More]

This mod is spectacular. Very smart indeed. This mod allows you to record in game footage in high resolution in your world of minecraft. While playing in your world, simply press your F4 key on your keyboard and a  plopping sound can be hea...[Read More]

Ever been troubled by that gap between iron and diamond? How iron is really common, and makes mediocre tools? and How diamond immediately Makes the best of the best? This mod is just for you! Cobalt adds one basic ore, that fills the wide g...[Read More]

Minecraft was dull until hostile monsters were introduced. Believe it or not, but a large majority of minecraft users are entertained mainly because of this feature simply because the hostile mobs made survival much harder. Over time mobs h...[Read More]

RedStone Handguns is a variety of 4 guns, shooting objects as missiles. With a nice model to make it more epic. Weapons : The RedStone Automatic Gun: Fire’s RedStone at a decently fast rate towards you enemies. No charging requiered ! The L...[Read More]

Have you ever been building a house and ran out of blocks in your hot-bar, but can’t be bothered to go into your inventory? Or have you been in a fight against people on a server and your weapon breaks, but can’t afford to open your invento...[Read More]

Lord Trilobite’s  NorseCraft This pack includes:     Manly GUI and HUD     Armour     Items     Terrain     Viking decoration     Sun and moon     Title     Maps and pumpkin overlay How to Install NorseCraft Texture Pack for Minecraft 1.Dow...[Read More]

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