The animals no longer despawn and their spawn is based on the biome seed. In other words, the randomness of spawning was removed. There are several mods that relied on the prior mob spawning method to add custom mobs to the game, like Mo’Cr...[Read More]

Requirements: Modloader Installation: This is Universal so only one download for both client and server. Client 1. Install Univarsal Forge 6.0.1 or higher. 2. Put into .minecraft/mods folder. 3. Enjoy. Server 1. Install Uni...[Read More]

Quicksand falls like sand or gravel when unsupported and any mob unfortunate enough to fall in is doomed unless they can dig themselves out fast enough.  It is generated rarely in jungles, frequently in swamps and on beaches.  It can also b...[Read More]

This particular mod lets hamsters spawn in your world. When you tame them with flowers, they become invincible hamsters, with a never ending hate for iron bars. Tameable with flowers, appears in forests and plains, and if it sees any iron b...[Read More]

Installation: This is not a ‘mods folder’-mod. It needs to be installed directly into your minecraft jar. Requirements: Minecraft Forge

There is now a full release for 1.4.5 wich includes all the new mobs and creative menu support! Features: Animals & passive Raw Porkchop – pig Raw Beef – cow Raw Chicken – chicken Wool – sheep Mushroom – mooshroom cow Bone – wolf Ink Sa...[Read More]

This mod lets you store your experience points and keep them later, even if you die. Also it connects every bank together, so you can collect your points form anywhere in the Minecraft world. It has a security system that when the bank is p...[Read More]

This is a Minecraft client mod that requires nothing from the server. That means you can use it for SMP and Single Player! Minecraft Controls added: Auto Tool Selection Auto Sword Selection Auto Block Selection Hold to Attack Stack Preserva...[Read More]

The Mod contains new ITEMS, such as GUNS. Mostly snipers Snipers/Guns M40 Barrett 50 Cal L96 Intervention RSASS Dragunov P99 M9 G18 Grenade Sticky Grenade Gun Stats: M9 Pistol: 2 Damage, 12 Rounds in a clip, Semi Barret: 20 Damage, 5 Rounds...[Read More]

With the printer block, you can paint with the different wool color and then you can place the wool in the world. Maybe you need this if you paint much in your world Installation: Put the downloaded zip-file into the mods-folder (if you alr...[Read More]

This mod changes the default model of agressive mobs and villagers and turn them into the HumanPlayer one while keeping all they usual behavior (Exploding creepers, teleporting endermans, village traders, etc). The following mobs are change...[Read More]

This is the AdventureTime Mod. This mod is still under HEAVY development. Right now there is only The Sword of Billy Requires: Modloader

Installation: Drop the DivineRPG jar in your mods folder. Make sure you have a compatible version of Minecraft Forge installed. For more information: Visit webpage Changelogs: v1.1 10 New Mobs Desert Crawler Cave Crawler Ender Triplets Jung...[Read More]


For centuries ago, when Minecraft has no compass or any navigational tool yet. People are getting lost in there own worlds. Everyone needs a navigational tool right? Well, Minecraft is also making new navigational tools too! (Map, compasses...[Read More]

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