Ye Olde Tanks Mod is a mod about anything and everything tanks related. Features: Barrel: A barrel that holds fluids. Information about the held fluid can be retrieved using ComputerCraft and OpenComputers. Capacity and other attributes are...[Read More]

Have you ever tried of placing rails and having trouble with minecraft unable to go up? Disposition Technology Mod is for you. This mod adds 5 new blocks: Hardened glass: Crafting item, blast resistance Player Sender / Receiver: Sending pla...[Read More]

Nuclear Tech Mod basically uses the concept of a technic mod and combines it with explosives. You can craft different bombs, mine ten new ores and use new machines to create advanced materials. The main bombs all use a GUI controlled explos...[Read More]

Technically, ExGregilo Mod has no strict dependencies, but it does not really make sense to use it without both Ex Nihilo and GregTech installed. Note: ExGregilo Mod only works with GregTech 5 Unofficial.  It will not work withGregTech 5. A...[Read More]

Tinkers’ Defense Mod create Mine and Blade 2 shields the Tinkerer way! Features: This mod add 2 shield types: Round shield – A cheaper shield with lower durability and defense but can be made using the standard tool station. Requires 1 Larg...[Read More]

LED Lighting Mod is a simple mod that adds in LED strips for decoration. At Christmas time, they make great Christmas lights to line the sides of your house. While they do not emit much light, they are fairly easy to notice. Requires: Minec...[Read More]

The Bricks Mod adds a small variety of different colors and types of bricks. The colored bricks can be crafted using a brick block and the corresponding dye or some mortar and the corresponding stained clay block. The different bricks types...[Read More]

Not Enough Stuff Mod adds in some nicely colored blocks, some rather interesting blocks such as a nether star blocks, and some blocks which are designed to be used as storage, such as the boat and minecraft blocks. It is a simple mod that m...[Read More]

Tools of Obsidian Mod adds in various obsidian tools and armor for your enjoyment. Become with envy of all of your fellow players with an outfit of obsidian armor, be more productive with obsidian tools and more. This mod is a great additio...[Read More]

ProjectE Mod is a remake of Equivalent exchange 2 or EE2 for short. This mod adds all the old items and blocks back such as the destruction catalyst, Gem armor and of course Energy condensers. Mod Wiki:[Read More]

Aesthetics Mod adds new decorative blocks to Minecraft, and is extended by installing SimpleOres, Fusion or Netherrocks. Blocks include metal bricks and brick stairs. All the Doors and Bars All the Bricks and Stairs How to install Aesthetic...[Read More]

Tainted Magic is an addon for Thaumcraft mod which focuses on the dark side of Thaumcraft. Tainted Magic mod adds lots of useful items and gear for both early and endgame Thaumaturges. This addon also brings something others do not… a great...[Read More]

The main goal of Growing Trees Mod is create more dynamic, aesthetic, fun and natural looking trees while respecting the Minecraft graphic stylization and enforcing a narrow project scope that keeps things simple. Features: A growing tree i...[Read More]

Brain Stone Mod provides players with a mysterious substance called BrainStone. It glows; it is rare, and it is useful. You can make tools out of it that last twice as long as diamond tools but just as fast as iron. You also can craft a bun...[Read More]

RF Utilities Mod adds some useful blocks for the RedstoneFlux system. The models are adapted to their real world conterparts. Features: Currently added: Capacitor (7 versions, 4 of them depend on ThermalExpansion and 3 of them depend on End...[Read More]

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