[1.8.9] Version Checker Mod Download


Version Checker is a small mod that will show updates for mods in an easy list. Mods currently add version checkers which will spit out a bunch of text to the chatbox at startup of a game, which gets cluttered very quickly. This mod will add a small button at the main menu when it detects an outdated mod. The number represents the number of found outdated mods.

How to use:

This mod will add a small button at the main menu when it detects an outdated mod. The number represents the number of found outdated mods.


When you click the button an interface will come up, showing you all outdated mods, their version number and the update available. Mod can register updates in multiple way, making it easy to implement.


When you double-click on a mod it will open a window with the change log (if available). If a mod has given Version Checker a direct link it will auto-download the mod for you and place it in the correct folder automagically! If a non direct link is given you’ll be able to open the page where you can find the update, easy!


When you’ve updated all your mods, a quick restart is needed to remove all old mods (it does that automatically too!). And you’re done!


How to install:

  • Download and install Minecraft Forge.
  • Download the mod.
  • Go to %appdata%.
  • Go to .minecraft/mods folder.
  • Drag and drop the downloaded jar (zip) file into it.
  • If one does not exist you can create one.
  • Enjoy the mod.

Download links for other versions:








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