- Adds shields and guarding mechanics to Minecraft. *Optional SmartMoving Exhaustion System*
- Four shields can be Crafted, Upgraded, and fully Enchantable -Totaling 8 shields-
- Zed Swords, Slash n Guard and fully Enchantable -Totaling 5 giant swords-
- Addons:
- Nether-Ender, two new tiers of equipment -Totaling 4 shields & 2 giant swords-
- Hallowed, three new tiers of equipment- Totaling 6 shields & 3 giant swords-
- Harken Scythe, a new tier of equipment- Totaling 2 shields & 1 giant sword- *Forge Only*
Requires: Minecraft Forge API
- 1. Be sure Forge API is installed in your Minecraft.jar and Meta folder is deleted.
- 2. Place AsgardShield_Core.zip in your .minecraft/mods Folder
- 3. After first game load, feel free to tweak Item.IDs in your AsgardShield_Core.CFG file as needed. (Found in .minecraft/config folder)
Addon Install
- 1. Be sure most current Asgard Shield Client version is installed in your Minecraft.jar.
- 2. Open AsgardShieldAddonClient.zip and drag Contents into Minecraft.jar.
- 3. After first game load, feel free to tweak Item.IDs in your Asgard Shield Addon Config.txt as needed. (Found in .minecraft/mods folder)
Asgard Shield Addons (Forge)