Ok, so I was looking over the mods i could write on, and i saw this mod “Block Distortion” so i thought, why not. So i thought it might be some random thing that meant very little. Then i checked a youtube video out and i was like “Holy crap! This is awesome, heck yea i’m writing about it!”
So basicly what this Block Distortion Mod for Minecraft 1.2.5 is/does is make each block slightly moved around. Hard to explain. It makes it seem closer to real life, with the bumpy terrian. Now if you are dislike the idea of minecraft having curves at all, then stop reading. NOW. Otherwise continue on as i tell you about this epic mod. So this was more a test in Risugamis Mods, and it suggests not to stick with it for long but HECK its cool. It makes the whole game feel more real. So you go around on here and not only does it look cool. But it looks AWESOME! Its one of those mods you like to have installed all the time that adds a good, simple addition to the game. Kinda like the shadows mod, or the reflection mod for the water, you know if they didn’t make your computer freeze up like a popsicle.
All in all this mod is awesome! I know i’ll be using this mod from now on, i’ll prob also use on my very unpopular youtube channel (MrFunnyman1120). So i’m gonna leave you all now so you can go play with this neat little mod. By the way, I recently reviewed the More Stackable Mod from Risugami as well so you might want to check it out!
How To Install Block Distortion Mod for Minecraft 1.2.5
- Download Block Distortion Mod for Minecraft 1.2.5
- Open the minecraft.jar with 7zip or winzip
- Move the mod files from the mod into the minecraft.jar
- Delete that silly META INF folder that nobody likes
- Have fun with this EPIC mod!