The Labyrinth 2 is a adventure map for Minecraft, it is playable on Minecraft 1.2.3. The map is a dungeon custom map. Too complete the Labyrinth 2 Adventure Map for Minecraft 1.2.3 you need to fight your way threw custom dungeons all with t...[Read More]

Hi guys! Look who’s back…… it’s Thistle! With her second texture pack, called Wolfhound Texture Pack for Minecraft 1.2.3. She said it’s a 64x version of her first Thistle Texture Pack, but I wouldn’t say ...[Read More]

Minaptics Mod for Minecraft 1.2.5 was simply made for practice and the developer of the mod openly admits that. He has a java script exam coming up, and wanted some practice so he thought he would play about with Minecraft. So Minaptics Mod...[Read More]

The Modern Winter Mode Mod for Minecraft 1.2.3 was previously known as Advanced Winter Mod, but has evolved. The Modern Winter Mode Mod for Minecraft 1.2.3 changes Minecraft to a winter wonderland! It gives your world snow in all and every ...[Read More]

As we all know, Resugami is one of the best coders of minecraft. He is a guy who is able to make this weird kind of mods which no one might even have the knowledge to make. This mods is a Minecraft 1.2.5 mod that adds up one more available ...[Read More]

Forestry Automated Tree Farms Mod for Minecraft 1.2.5 is a mod made to farm trees. This mod was made by a guy who was sick of cutting down tree’s to get charcoal to steam his engines on the buildcraft mod. This mod aims to make tree farming...[Read More]

In the Galaxy far far away, There was one man who is now reading this sentence…. Hi everyone! Who doesn’t know the movie “Star Wars” ? If you don’t know that means you’re not a human! Because this movie i...[Read More]

Hi everyone, Their are mods that confuses you the most right? But I’m telling you. That this is the most confusing mod, but if you know how to use it, its the best! First of all, I’m going to explain to you how it got the name equival...[Read More]

If you play Minecraft and you haven’t got the best computer im sure you have pressed F3 and opened the debug menu, this debug menu shows both your mapping information and your information about how your computer is running. On slower comput...[Read More]

Future craft is another industrial mod, it aims to make your life easier in Minecraft, by giving you the ability to make automatic farms. This mod was inspired by real life factories and not any other mod. It is easier to use than Industria...[Read More]

Magic, the only things that Minecraft doesn’t have. For all those builders , destroyers, or even explorers would look onto Magic Wands. One of the most useful mod I think. This Magic Wands things completely solve all your issues in Mi...[Read More]

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